On Jun 14, 2019, at 9:25 AM, Al Kossow via cctalk
<cctalk at classiccmp.org> wrote:
On 6/14/19 8:50 AM, Alan Perry via cctalk wrote:
The large A Series work was done in Paoli, King of Prussia, Trediffryn and probably other
cities around Valley Forge that I don?t recall.
The B1000 work was done in Goleta (Santa Barbara), CA plus mfg in Liege, Belgium. I was
responsible for a central piece of system software (GEMCOS), so I knew where the customers
were based on bug reports (a large portion of the bugs were from the UK, Ford in Dagenham
and the CEGB (Central Electricity Generating Board) in Bristol).
I have a LOT of stuff that I've collected for the 1700/1800/1900 on
because of its unusual 'microcode per programming language' architecture.
CHM has a B1955
That is why I like the B1000. I have been talking to other folks at CHM about seeing the
one there, but need to work on my rationale.
I may still have some packs in storage.
Do you have a way of reading them? I am interested in seeing if there is anything readable
on the one I just bought.
At the most recent VCF PNW, someone who checked
out my exhibit told me that there was a B1000, probably in Surplus at University of
Washington, but checking with them, they don?t believe they have it.
I don't think a surplus person would know what a 'B1000' would be.
You probably would have to add the second digit
I didn?t just say ?B1000?. I described B18xx and B19xx cabinets because the guy who told
me about it wasn?t sure which one it was.