On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Andrew Back <andy at smokebelch.org> wrote:
Ah, so I have a BC16E-10. It's been a while but I assumed that since it was
crossover and I was having no joy that I had the wrong cable. I should be
clear, I'm trying to connect a VT420 to a PDP11/53. Tried both ports on the
PDP and all manner of settings on the VT. I'm assuming that I can use the
MMJ socket on the VT (the one not marked for a printer obviously) and that I
don't need to use the 25W D and an MMJ convertor.
Just a minute ago I connected a KDJ11-SD / M7554-SD to a VT320 by
plugging one end of a BC16E cable into the A1 plug on the 11/53 and
the other end into the VT320. Set the VT320 for 9600 baud and powered
on the 11/53 and got the boot ROM startup. No messing around required
for this setup for me...