On three occasions when I received items from Canada that were shipped via
UPS, I've received brokerage fee bills from UPS. In each case, I called
the number on the invoice and complained to the UPS brokerage rep. I
pointed out that whenever I call UPS customer service to have a late
package traced, I'm told to talk to the shipper since the contract for
shipping service is between UPS and the shipper, not UPS and the
consignee. So, I said, since the contract is between UPS and the shipper,
they need to send this bill to the shipper.
The rep usually responds that no, the consignee is responsible for the
brokerage fee. I then ask the rep how I can be responsible for service
fees when UPS' own customer service tells me that the contract is between
UPS and the shipper. Then, I repeat in my most reasonable voice that UPS
should send this bill to the shipper.
At this point, the UPS brokerage rep sighs and says, as a customer service,
they'll waive the brokerage fee. As well they should.
All in all, it only takes a few minutes, and it's always fun to listen to
the brokerage rep fumble around trying to justify the contradictory
policies of UPS.
-- Tony