This has always been an area of confusion for me. Can
someone recommend a
good reading that will explain video as far as composite vs. RF and
modulation and all that?
Would Don Lancaster's Video Cookbook have what I want?
His "Cheap Video Cookbook" and "TV Typewriter Cookbook" are gems, and
probably have what
you want. There are even diagrams showing you how you can take a
mid-70's B&W TV and inject a composite signal after the video
detector, with all sorts of warnings about doing this on TV's that
have live 120VAC on the chassis :-)
A similar treasure from the 70's is Heiserman's _How To Design and Build
Your Own Custom TV Games_. It's a remarkable book in that it shows how
to do video games with nothing other than TTL logic and some 555's.
Of course, by the time it was published cheap
microprocessors had spelled the end to hardwired video games. With
FPGA's and CPLD's so readily available today maybe it's time to
resurrect the technique?
A quick search on Amazon shows that all the above-mentioned books are
available used there. I often see them at local library sales, too.
One Lancaster book that I've never seen is "Son of Cheap Video". Any
comments on it?