I found the manual for CMD 220 on bitsavers... along with a txt file
for the 220A/TM (which is what I have).
Couple of things:
1. Does anyone have the full manual digitized (or a hard copy you don't want
anymore) that covers the 220A (to be exact, CQD-BV220A/TM) ?
2. In the txt file, it has (formatting neatend... (for fixed point font
W1 OUT Reserved (F)
W2 IN SCSI terminator power enabled (F)
W3 OUT Reserved (F)
W4 1-2 IN Eprom Size 512-Kbit or 1-Mbit (F)
W5 OUT 0 Wait State for Eprom Cycles (F)
W6-1 OUT Adaptive DMA enabled (F)
W6-2 OUT Adaptive DMA Dwell Time enabled (F)
W6-4 W6-5
IN IN 0.8-ms DMA dwell time
OUT IN 1.6-ms DMA dwell time
IN OUT 3.2-ms DMA dwell time
OUT OUT 6.4-ms DMA dwell time
W6-5 OUT Block mode DMA enabled (F)
W6-6 W6-7 Auto-Boot for LSI-11 systems without Boot Roms
OUT IN Auto-Bootstrap address = 773000
IN IN Auto-Bootstrap address = 771000
OUT OUT Auto-Bootstrap disabled (F)
IN OUT Auto-Bootstrap address = 775000
W6-8 IN Reserved (F)
The W6-4, W6-5 pair I believe should be labelled W6-3, W6-4, as
W6-5 is documented twice ... and W6-3 is not documented.
Anyone know if my belief/assumption is correct ?
Anyone know what DMA dwell time should be used in a PDP11/83 ?
Should this board be closest to the CPU, or furthest in a an 11/83 ?
Thanks in advance,
-- Curt