I don't know - having seen your place, I can
imagine you having some kind of
You've seen a very small part of it ;-)
launch vehicle in there somewhere. Possibly under a
pile of other things, and
you've forgotten that you have it... ;-)
Err, no. All i have is a satellite simulator, and I know where that is.
This is not a joke. I have a box of electroniucs that was controlled by a
PDP11/10 that was dersigned to simulate the behaviour of a small part of
a satellite's electrical system so as to test an experiment that was
flown in said satellite. It's a 6U crate of boards (quite simple) and a
couple of DEC connector blcoks contianing flip-chip cards (there's
certainly an M105 address decocer in there) for the Unibus interface. Oh,
IO also have the trays of paper tape software for it.
It's a shame about the magazine, though -- they
published some pretty=20
neat projects, all of which could be built from parts available from=20
Indeed. I built many of them over the years. I rememebr watching
commetical for NICAM televisions using the Maplin NICAM tuner/decoder kit
and a greenscreen monitor :-)
I remember drooling over that nicam hardware back in the day. That and the Z80
based home weather station.
There are some projects I regret not having built while they were still
avaialbe. The telephone exchange is one (alas it had a programmed EPROM
fro the number decoding, so recreating it would be non-trivial). The
weather satellite receiver/decoder is another (alas the receiver came a
pre-built PCBm which is what rather put ne off building it). As I
mentioned, the modem was another. Oh well, too late now...
I gave up
Circuit Cellar and then Elektor when they both became 'yet
another microcontroller project' magazines. As you well know, I have
nothing against microcontrollers, but I don't think they're the _only_
There's just something... boring about them, somehow. And I know I shouldn't
Exactly. I'd like to solder up a big board ot TTL once in a while :-).
Tge problem with Circuit Cellar is that every project seemd to use a
different microcotnroller. But the time you'd built/bought programmers
for all for all of them and learnt the applicaable languages, you'd have
not time or space to do anything else :-)
think like that, because they're not so different
to a lot of the 8-bit stuff
that I grew up with.
Tjhe main difference for me is that in general the program store address
and data buses are not accessible (Ues, I am well aware that come
microcontrollers can be run with extranl program memory, but an lot
can't). Which means my methods of debugging machien code -- that is using
a logic analyser hooked up to said buses -- is impossible. Trying to get
soemthing working when you can't investigate the behaviour of a major
subsystem is not pleasant.