Not much to report here, nice turnout, and a few odd items worth noting
. . . . .
There was a Fluke something, that looked like some sort of terminal that
set up data acquisition on an IEE-488 buss. He had the complete unit
and software and docs. All I remember is that the CRT had a 2:1 aspect
ratio. I'm sure this will turn on some of you obscure stuff collectors.
Gateway had a nominal presence there, but nothing worth noting, just
some PC stuff.
I did pick up a Commodore MPS-801 printer . . . are ribbons still
available and for how much??? If I can't get any ribbons, I'll just
contribute it to someone who wants to give it a nice home and call the
dollar invested a loss.
I even found one (wished there were more) AUI to 10 base T transceiver.
Now I can check out my Amiga ethernet boards, if the Xcvr is okay . . .
. .
Two TRS80 Model 100's were there for $50, with books. I was tempted,
but I passed them by. I'm sure I'll kick myself later on.
One last mention, not in line with this topic, but I do have an original
DEC (quantum) 240 Meg HD for trade. I have a surplus of Quantum drives,
and I have used this one on my Amiga with no problems. If you want one
for your DEC contact me off-list and we'll work out a trade or something
Gary Hildebrand
St. Joseph, MO