On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 2:17 PM, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
i woiuld be suprised if the short was inside the
It's rare, but I've seen it. We had the first run of 6-layer
COMBOARDs come back with a slight misalignment of, IIRC, the Vcc layer
to the vias. They tried to run huge amounts of current through
unpopulated boards to "burn out" the shorts just so they wouldn't have
to wait weeks for the replacements to arrive (and delay the firmware
development team as they waited for boards to verify their code on),
but in the end, zero working boards made it through the process.
With a 2-layer board, I'd say that is a much less likely scenario.
Caps, though, short all the time.