Chuck Guzis wrote:
Else why have a nutty instruction like JCXZ?
Hey, don't knock my favorite "nutty" 8088 opcodes! :-) It's because of
opcodes like jcxz, xchg, repne cmpsw, add, and others that make 8088 asm coding
so much fun 25 (!) years later.
One of my favorite things to do when I have "free" time is to take some old
8088 code and speed it up with judicous use of stuff like that. Some of the
earliest games for the 5150 were ports of 6502 or Z80 games and rewriting
certain loops can speed the game up 500% or more.
Some people like Sudoku puzzles, I like optimizing 8088 code for speed. Call
me crazy 8-)
Jim Leonard (trixter at
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