Titans are the big ICBM's right?
Big enough that they evolved into the biggest (unmanned) launch vehicle
that the US now has.
Have they been replaced with something
else, or do we not have any ICBM's anymore? I know Subs (Boomers) have
a lot of our missles now.
Last time I checked US still had Minuteman III (1500 warheads on 500 to
750 missiles), MX (950 warheads on a few hundred missiles). I had thought
we had gone to a 1 warhead/missile policy since then, though.
If that's not enough to make you radiate, the sub fleet carries about
3300 warheads (again, last time I checked) on a hundred or so Trident 1 and 2
missiles. The bomber force has 1500 low yield and a thousand or so
megaton sized weapons, and there are 1200 or so nuclear tipped cruise
missiles out there, too.
Sleep well,