On Oct 13, 2013, at 3:22 AM, Holm Tiffe <holm at freibergnet.de> wrote:
Kyle Owen wrote:
Typically, power supplies operate better at 60Hz
than 50Hz, particularly
the old linear supplies. Modern switching supplies are very tolerant of
under and over voltages with a wide range of frequencies. My bet is it'll
run just fine with 60Hz.
OMG...in almost the entire world PSU's are working bad because of the 50Hz?
What about 400Hz from airplanes?
Sorry for not better explaining myself. Transformers can be made smaller by using higher
frequencies. Hence, dynamotors in airplanes are relatively small for how much power they
can deliver. Power transformers for vacuum tube era stuff run noticeably hotter at 50 Hz
than 60 Hz. Filter capacitors can be made smaller as well at 60 Hz. If chokes are used,
they too can be smaller.