On 08/25/2012 11:37 AM, Al Kossow wrote:
On 8/25/12 6:17 AM, allison wrote:
You may
be thinking about the fact that OS/8 could be run as a
background job as part of RTS-8.
Indeed it can and also under TSS-8.
TSS/8 only gives you a virtual 4K PDP-8
MULTOS/8 support 32K of addressing, ETOS supports 20K but required a
special memory mapping board
Yes, I know, I even have a PDP-8 with 24KW of core. However TSS-8 and
OS/8 had many hacks
that allowed things that were, uhm, unsupported. ;] I keep a few
DM-IIIs handy to run the
bastard stepchild OS/278 as well.
The point remains that CP/M was not a significant OS advance save for it
made a similar phenomena
occur, that was the standard software and generalized hardware platform
every one could develop
code on and for. For the PDP-8 and PDP-11 it was DECUS, for CP/M is was
way bigger and ranged
from free to expensive complete packages.
The only advances that CP/M brought was the concept of OS independent
BIOS for hardware
abstraction, a scatter/gather file system that didn't need to be
compacted to allow for files
larger than the largest contiguous unoccupied block and a set of APIs
while not large were
adequate. Oh, and it was cheap and cheap enough that if your media was
supported or
allowed for SSSD 8" then the OS was port-able, and applications could be
While it wasn't perfect it could be run on anything 8080, 8085, NSC800,
z80, z180,
z280 and there was an official 68K version. However in the 8080 world
if you had
enough ram from 0000h to at least 20K (48K was considered practical) and
mass storage it
could run a whole lot of applications (though there were some programs
that were
limited to Z80).
I never saw an OS for the 6502 or 6800 world that unified all the 6502s
for example.
They were fragmented by vendor unless the other vendor was a clone and not
litigated out of existence. It not to say there weren't a lot of 6502
OSes that
weren't good but any of them that ran on Apple ][ would not run on
Commie or