On 10/14/2011 11:49 AM, Dave Caroline wrote:
Funny how C is climbing back up the popularity chart
Are coders and managers realizing that the hype on the "high level"
languages on speed of development
causing real slow downs in performance and having to go back to the
Real Thing TM.
Long Live C :)
I sure hope so. Two jobs ago, I had to deal with a financial that had
half their customers on one node of a VCS cluster, and have on the other
running the same application.
That application, in Java, had a few hundred thousand threads. No, I'm
not kidding. This thing interfaced with MQ and of course had one thread
per queue. Each client had something like 10 threads total, some MQ
listeners, some to send results back to the client, some to do various
other things, and in QA, for each client, there was a complete fictional
counterparty, complete with its own set of threads. Of course, there
were also pools of threads for database connectivity too.
We couldn't throw more memory at the problem since the JVM at the time
had a limit of 2GB. The only thing to do was to chop the application up
into different VMs. Which of course would fail in their own interesting
ways. Of course the incompetent programmers there decided to not use MQ
for these JVMs to talk to each other - they used something MQ-like that
the JVM had built in and spoke over http. Why? I've no idea, but this
bridge went down quite often and required bouncing also.
You can image what a clusterfuck that was in terms of both performance
and debugability. There were monthly out of memory crashes as some run
away thread didn't release memory. These were usually caused by running
out of database threads. Whenever the db portion of the platform ran
out of threads, for some reason the app decided that it should spawn of
a thread for every incoming request. Or maybe that's what it normally
did and I didn't notice it because when things were working that thread
shut itself down after the request was processed.
One very famous problem at that place was solved when they actually
hired the one and single competent java programmer. Of course, he has
since left there too. The problem had to do with padding strings with
spaces in some report so that it would be exactly X bytes wide. It
turns out that if you do it in a loop and append a space to the end,
java creates X-len copies of that string, and each one has to be garbage
collected, and of course was insanley slow. I think he simply invoked
Java's version of printf to solve this. :-D
I don't play programmer in my day jobs, though I can code in C and a few
other languages. My role at that place, and in the current one is
sysadmin. As incompetent programmers are apt to, they go and blame the
database, or the network, or Veritas Cluster Server, or Solaris, or the
hardware, anything but their own code. A lot of my time was spent
*proving* that these other things were infact functioning as they should
and that the programmers needed to re-examine their code. I probably
spent more time looking at the stderr and stdout of the JVMs than the
clowns that wrote that crappy code.
Because this thing was so crappy and so likely to crash, it ran in
production with the debug level in log4j fairly high, which produced
gigabyte sized logs every hour, and of course slowed down the
application by several orders of magnitude (of course the SAN got really
slow due to so much crap being written to disk, and the programmers were
blaming the SAN for the slowness of their app!) One of the big projects
before I left there, was for the good programmers to go through the
miles of code and to disable logging in places it was no longer needed. :-)
A few days ago, I posted a message here about creeping layers of
abstractions. The above is what you get when that's taken to absurd
levels. What drives this? Corporations that want replaceable cheap
cogs, that is one programmer to be identical to another so they can be
replaced by cheaper ones, either in the same market, or outsourced
overseas. They love java because everything is handed to them on a
silver platter and they don't have to learn how linked lists or hash
tables or quick sort or anything else actually work. They just say new
foo bar and use that with no consideration to the performance
implications. When it breaks, they've no idea why, or how, let alone
how to go about fixing it.
Had these guys tried to write this kind of thing in pure C it would have
probably never compiled, or would have segfaulted every two seconds,
thus pointing out their failures. But because it was Java, and Java is
easy to learn, the company felt compelled to hire young guys who barely
went through some Java 101 class and threw them at a financial app that
supposedly processed billions of dollars per year.
If you're a young guy looking at learning to code for a living, I highly
recommend you learn what corporations consider esoteric languages
instead, and either find a place that welcomes them, or start your own
company. Learn C, and assembly then either smalltalk or lisp. I'm not
saying that this is the state of the art in Java or other high level
languages, but rather, because it's easy to learn, it allows this kind
of incompetence to be acceptable.
I'm glad I don't work there anymore, and instead work in sane place for
and with bright people with a clue.