Cindy sent this response about some of the equipment I saw after hours
where she doesn't have access to the mailing list.
There are 4 AS400 machines in the back left. 2 are white, and 2 are black.
I believe the black ones are a little newer. They seem to be pairs.
In the very back, behind them, is an RA82 hard drive in the DEC mounting
frame from the server we took it out of. The server worked, so I assume the
hard drive might also.
Next to the RA82 is an old Sperry server, which from the tags inside, may
never have been used. It is a large rectangular box with not much on the
outside. The Sperry identification comes from inside the removable back
panel, which also has a tag to be removed when the unit was put into
service. This tag was never removed. It came from military surplus.
There is also an E1000 Sun server, and 3 SSAs and some terminals, kbds,
etc. Way too heavy to box and ship. Maybe palletize.
Also HP Apollo servers, and some old HP 3000 and 9000 gear, some terminals,
and a few keyboards.
Speaking of keyboards, there is an entire room of keyboards, including
terminal, PS2, AT, and XT, and strange things I don't have a clue what they
went to.
Plenty of old dot matrix and lasers, ink jets for practically free if u
haul them off.