Dammit :) I'd kind of hoped there was some Apple
][ flavour of a program
like TransMac - read/write Mac disks on a PC. To get a null modem connection
going though I need some sort of operating environment on the GS. Varying
experiments with keypresses at powerup have got me into the control panel
but that's about it. Is it possible to boot to BASIC? It must be since the
ROM has Micro$oft written on it :)
The easiest (and IMHO best) solution to this problem is to go to
and for $69 purchase the focusdrive IIgs, which has system 6.0.1 already
on it. These drives are great. You'll need at least a 4 mb memory expander
to run it though.
Alternately, if you go to
http://www.byteworks.org/APDA/system.htm you can
buy the system disks directly. If you need the 4 meg expansion board or any
other accessories do please let me know, I have a GS that's been dropped that
I'm parting out. Unfortunately I already swiped its SCSI interface and disk
for my apple 2e, so I don't have a hard disk to sell. I have (if memory
serves) a 4mb expansion card, printer card, and a few floppy drives, as well
as a GS that may or may not work.
I've got a spare Amiga -> CVBS cable if needs
What does this do? Perhaps we could trade amiga hardware for GS hardware?
Jim Strickland
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