While out diggin around the local surplus electronics place, I came across
what appears to be a set of VAX Field Service Diags on 8" floppy. Does
anyone have any use for them? I have mostly PDP-11 stuff myself, but could
use the media. They look like they're in fine shape, with coprights from
1978-86. These I picked up.
Also other interesting finds: A couple of TRS-80 cassette tape games
(titles I can't remember, a TK50 cart, a cipher cart tape drive (don't
remember model number), and a hacked up (user wired a fuse into it) Atari
power cube for 400/800 machine. These I didn't pick up. If anyone is
interested, let me know, and I'll see what he wants for them.
My email address is: Gary.Messick(a)itt.com