It's just that the 250% price premium
paid for it because it's mainly a single-vendor system is pretty steep. Now,
I haven't looked at any pricing in over 15 years,
But when you compare a similar package Gateway, Dell, or other "name
brand" PCs, you will find that there is actually very little difference
in price. Certainly not enough to justify the significantly higher TCO of
the PC.
Where the price difference really shines is in the generic branded PCs,
or in the "build your own" PCs.
What I don't understand is, if the
supply is lower and the devices are as reliable as those on the PC market,
where's the demand that drives the prices up coming from?
Because people WANT a Mac. How does BMW get away with charging a price
premium when they only have a 5% market share. People will pay the price
because they want the item.
I have long felt that Apple could make much larger sweeps into the market
if they would stop being "cool" and just make a $400 bare bones iMac.