It was thus said that the Great "Clint Wolff (VAX collector)" once stated:
On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Sellam Ismail wrote:
On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, Clint Wolff (VAX collector)
People who break into computers are criminals.
If their intent is criminal then yes, they are criminals.
If their actions are criminal, they are criminals. It may be a
lesser crime to merely violate someones privacy, but it is still
a crime. No less than someone walking into your house and browsing
through your closets.
Technically yes it is a crime. But while physical trespassing is often a
misdemenor, virtual trespassing (on a computer) is a Federal offence.
Trespassing is trespassing, right?
What civil rights were violated? Mitnick violated the
terms of his
supervised release, fled to Denver when he realised they were coming
for him (from his illegal monitoring of voice mails and hacking into
FBI computers). If a drug dealer did the same, I would hope they
would lock her up too.
Held without bail for four years until his trial. Information critical to
his defence was withheld from him (several hundred megs to possibly a gig
worth of encrypted files) or severely limited (one hour of supervised
computer use per week to scan his private files or some such silly
nonsense). And because of the hype over his activities, he can't use any
computer or anything *with* a computer for three? four? years of his
probation. That means phones, microwaves, CARS! It's totally insane given
that Mitnick isn't even all that technically savvy.
And then there's the little matter of his capture. Let's see---a computer
scientist with no degree or even a high school diploma uses blatently
illegal methods such as cellular phone scanning (using his own hacked up
equipment!) to track Mitnick down and ends up telling the FBI what to do.
Um, excuse me but he wasn't a duly deputized agent of any police force and
yet HE'S telling the FBI what to do? Oh, and having a reporter from the New
York Times along for the bust.
Mitnick is a criminal yes. But he certainly got the short end of the
stick on this one.
-spc (Not trying to be a Mitnick apologist here ... 8-)