OK, this is starting to get interesting. I've got a box labled VT100
boards, and it's definitely part of the guts of this terminal (the terminal
works as a terminal).
The terminal has had it's front nameplate removed (probably doesn't mean
anything, they were all this way). On the back is a Digital tag declaring
it to be a VT100-AA. Next to that is a ARC (Agency Records Control, Inc.
of Bryon, Texas) declaring to be a Model ART 01.
ARC did insurance office software on both PDP11's and PC's and IBM
series 1's.
They had their own OS for 11/03's and 11/23's.
They used the Lark drives on an SMD controller for fixed+removable
I fixed them after I left DEC and ended up doing a short stint at TRW.