I think there is also a certain group of people
(present company
excluded, of course) that don't want to allow the "newbies" in their
precious "club." They feel that by removing the barriers to entry
(maybe learning to solder, learning assembly language, learning basic
electronics) that their self-worth is somehow diluted because the end
goal is more easily attainable now w/o requiring these skills.
While I have never wanted to exclude anyone from an elitist 'club' (I
will share my knowledge freely with anyone who asks, I will point people
in the right direction, and so on), I do feel very strongly that there
are certain skills, and certain knowledge that are _essential_ if you
want to do any form of electronics. Of course if you don't want to do
electronics, then you may not need these skills, I have no problem with that.
I would including soldering on that list. Virtually all electornic
circuits are assembles with soldered joints. Those infernal solderless
breadboards are a waste of space or worse. They often develop
intermittant connections, the stray capacitacne is excessive, and so on.
Learning t osodler well enough to work with through-hole components
should ony take an afternoon anyway. It's not difficult.
I would also claim you need to understand some basic electronics. Oh,
sure you can wire up a few switches and LEDs to a microcontroller port.
And then find that the built-in pull-ups of the microcontroller are not
suffiecient to pull the signal really high all the time so you get noise
pickup. Or you link up a relay as a load without the protection diode and
end up zapping the microcontroller from the back emf when you turn it
off. And so on.
Talk to the old grouchy hams about adding no-code tech ham radio
licenses on your local repeater, if you want your ear beat for 1/2 hour.
I was the equivalent of a no-code-tech for many years. The only reason I
am not any more is that the morse code requirement has been removed. I
never could get my ears round morse...
I would argue that there shouldn't be artificial barriers to doing this
sort of thing. The morse code requriement made sense once, IMHO it
doesn't any more. Please don't give me that worn out argument that many
people enjopy morse. Of course they do. I woul;dn't for an instant
support a _ban_ on using morse code on amateur bands. Just as I wouldn't
support a ban on driving cars with 'crash' gearboxes. But that doesn't
mean I think double declutching should be included in the driving test.
In the same way I don't think that just because people once made their
own grid leak resistors, that we should still require beginners to make
them today. Go out and buy resistors. But you still need to understnad
what they are used for, and how to calculate (or estimate) the right
value to use.
I enjoy sort of the sparkfun-methodology ---- off the shelf breakout
boards, sensor modules, easily accessible headers for connecting things,
and so on. It allows you to leverage very advanced technologies by
providing an easy interface. Maybe that technology is GPS, or cellular,
or whatever.
There is, IMHO, one problem to totallu dumbing things down, and if this
makes me elitist, so be it. It's this. If everyone thinks they can do
electronic design just becasue they've plugged a sensor board into a
microntroller board, then those people who really can design at the chip
level or below are no longer valued, at least not by the majority. And
that is a pity
Als, if you're not careful, this 'plug a few modules together'
methodology leads to a number of very poor, over-complex designs. And
some of them may even end up as products :-( I am sure I've told you how
I once showed a so-called designer who wanted to use a microcontrolelr
module + input interface modules + ... as part of a control system that
his problem could be solved using few lengths of wire and otherwise
unused contacts on his relays and swithces. Hmmm...