What is everyone else doing for this? Just a back of
the envelope count
looks like there are around 8 serial-consoled machines. I've thought
about using usb-to-serial adapters but that seemed kind of hacky.
There are some 8-port usb-serial boxes around, e.g. Edgeport stuff.
That would reduce the hack factor a bit. You could also hunt up an old
RocketPort or similar multiport serial card. Both of these options
require running a PC.
For a unix, there's a package called conserver that is basically a
software terminal server. It holds scrollback when you're not looking
at a channel, helps you flip between ports, etc, and would go nicely
with either of the above hardware options.
Or you might consider an Annex (nearly any model would work), Chase
IOlan or Portmaster brand hardware terminal server used that can