Am 1 Dec 2005 10:11 meinte Cini, Richard:
I'm thinking of ditching Windows totally on my desktop at home
as I build my next upgraded x86-bsed PC. So, I wanted to take a poll of the
group for a recommendation on which Linux distro to use. I downloaded Fedora
Core, Slackware, FreeBSD, Unbuntu and Linspire.
Any thoughts from the group?
Just if you son't want to switch for a neat mac mini, I see two
possible options:
a) if it's a rather actual hardware and you don'T want to fiddle
with the OS, or installation or whatever, I strongly suggest a
SuSE with KDE.
It's probably the best match for Windows. SuSE has the a setup for
people without special knowledge (as easy as windows), while KDE
gives you any oportunity to model your desktoy as you want it -
Gnome is here eventually better for the complete computer dummy,
but I assume you're a bit above, an just don't want to do the
Linux basics.
b) If you want to have your customized system, but don't want to
go all the way to 100% DIY (aka Slackware), Gentoo would be the
All stuff will be compiled for your machine on your machine,
everything can be setup the way you want it to be. Basicly a
source based distribution with a BSD like portage system. So
you get the best of both worlds.
Except for one machine running without change since 8 years,
all my Linux boxes are Gentoo based by now.
Often you may also get Debian nominated for customizeing and
easy maintanance, but it's all binary, and often quite outdated,
so it gets often quite tricky - unless your a Linux gure, but
in that case any distri would be fine :)
VCF Europa 7.0 am 29/30.April und 01.Mai 2006 in Muenchen