Thanks for all of the responces. They're very much appreciated. At any
rate, while attempting to keep my first message short I left out some
important info. So we'll see if this clarifies any? I have a 4863 monitor
(which does not use the RCA plug). This computer has two floppy drives and
two cartidge slots. Which slot is primary? The left I assume. With the
machine I got a BASIC cartridge, three DOS 2.1 disks, and a couple DOS 3.21
disks. However, I don't think the computer is trying to boot. That is,
it's not reading the drive (red LED doesn't light). I didn't get any
manuals with it, although I'm sure I have the monitor plugged in right. It
only can go in one plug, one way. The keyboard however, can go in a lot of
places, but which one? It came w/ two power supplies and the computer acts
the same with either one. (I have not had a chance to check them with the
info I've got so far). I do not have a logic analyser (but I do have a RCA
signal generator used to work on t.v.'s if that can be used i
n any way). Again, thanks for the help and I hope this info helps too.