A few items to give away.
I came across a box of stuff as I was cleaning out the server room.
Might be of interest to someone, might not. I'd prefer local pickup
(Denver, CO area), but could be persuaded to ship if you cover S/H.
* CHIPS Enhanced Graphics Card Rev 1.0
* Headland Technology 16-bit ISA VGA video card VGA-16 650-0122 (c) 1988
* GPIB IEEE-488 board, unknown manuf. 8-bit ISA. "6323706 REV A
667523" printed on PCB, next to a logo like a palm tree with a small
"2" next to it.
* Adaptec AHA-1542B 16-bit ISA SCSI card
* Unknown board from "The Palantir Corporation" (c) 1988 - has a
Motorola 68020. 16-bit ISA. Maybe a co-processor board?
* 5 9-track tapes,3M and Memorex. One is labeled "MultiNet 3.2 Rev A",
another "MultiNet 3.2, Rev B". Others are hand-labeled. No idea
what's actually on them. They probably haven't been used since the
early 90's.
All of these items are untested and provided AS IS. Anything
unclaimed goes to the recycle bin.
I'll put some images up tonight when I get home from work, if anyone's
- Mike