On 1/2/07 01:11, "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk>
Didn't my
post about the BeBox make it to the list? Curse my exim mail
server, what's it doing now......
Ooops - it may well have done. Having just done the hop across the pond again,
I'm playing catch-up on the mailing list - so I'm sort of flicking through the
couple-of-hundred-or-so messages that have appeared in the last few days and I
may have just missed it :-)
They let you back in again? I'm impressed! :)
Re. BeBox, I hesitated about mentioning it from a
styling point of view;
architecturally it was definitely interesting, and in so far as I've studied
ours the build quality seems good, but the case does kind of shout "PC
look-a-like" somewhat :-)
Well yes, casewise, but what about the blinkenlights on the front and the
geekport on the back...
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