M H Stein wrote:
------------------Original Message:
So to be clear, I am agreeing with the position
that one can have
Windows outside of a GUI (and that one can have a GUI that lacks
windows, such as a CAD program), but in the mind of the masses, GUIs
== windows.
And of course the mouse is irrelevant to this tiresome argument as well,
since it was quite commonly used in plain old text-mode single-tasking
non-windowed DOS (which could of course also have windows, multi-task
and display graphics, so I guess DOS WAS a GUI after all...)
The OP said all we need to know with "I was going by the *popular* definition
of GUI/Windowed environment, not the strict one."
That was me that said that, but I'm not the OP. I was assuming that this was
what the OP meant, though.
And I have come to accept, as I'm sure most of us have, that the nature of
this list's populace makes a higher-than-average level of nitpicking inevitable.
Oh well. I wouldn't change it for the world.