Hello group,
These were given to me recently by another member of this list who also has
no use for them (thanks, Pat). They can be yours for 1.5 times shipping
cost. All are in great condition and I have no reason to believe they
shouldn't work. Specifically, what I have are:
Quantity 3 Allied Telesis / CentreCom model AT-280 (2-port transceiver
Quantity 3 Allied Telesis / CentreCom model AT-480 (4-port transceiver
Quantity 3 Canary Communications model F 4000 Rev.B (4-port transceiver
All are DTE powered and "can be installed with any existing standards-based
transceiver used in thicknet (10BASE5), thinnet (10BASE2), fiber optic
(FOIRL) and twisted pair (10BASE-T) installations".
Summary information on the Allied Telesis units can be found at
http://www.lantech.nl/products/ati/fanout.html and technical information and
manuals in pdf format can be found at
http://www.alliancedatacom.com/allied-telesyn-products.htm by using the
site's "Search Site" button and entering either AT-280 or AT-480.
Information on the Canary transceivers can be found at
http://www.canarycom.com by searching for F-4000 and using the first link in
the returned list. Information in pdf format for the F-4000 can be found by
using the eighth link in the returned list, under Transceiver Products.
Please contact me off list if interested in one or some for your own use.
Please don't ask if your intention is resale.
I realize these aren't vintage yet, but I know some of you can and will use
these in networking vintage equipment d8^)
I'll post to the list when all have been spoken for.