I have box of books that I want to get rid of.
The list starts with a bunch of Win32 API books. I collected them while
I was writing my Sol-20 emulator. If I ever update the emulator again,
I will rewrite it with wxWidgets, rather than messing with Win32 APIs again.
If Win32 programming isn't of interest, keep scrolling down, as there
are some other books that would be of more interest to the typical
As usual, preference given to anyone who wants to pick it up, saving me
the hassle of shipping. Preference to those willing to take more books.
Windows 95 API How-To
The Definitive Windwos API Problem-Solver
Matthew Telles, Andrew Cook
750 pages + CD
Windows Programming
Annotated Archives
Herb Shildt
520 pages + CD
Windows 95
A Developer's Guide
Jeffrey Richter
Jonathan Locke
616 pages + CD
Windows 95
A Programmer's Case Book
Seven S. Chen
754 pages + CD
Advanced Windows (Third Edition)
Jeffrey Richter
1050 pages + CD
Multithreading Applications in Win32
The Complete Guide to Threads
Jim Beveridge
Robert Wiener
368 pages + CD
Windows 95 WIN32 Programming API Bible
Book 1
Richard Simon
1378 pages + CD
Windows NT File System Internals
A Developer's Guide
Building NT File System Drivers
Rajeev Nagar (O'Reilly Press book)
774 pages + 3.5" floppy
Programming Windows 95
The Definitive Developer's Guide to the Windows 95 API
Charles Petzold, Paul Yao
1100 pages + CD
Volumes 1-5 (that is all five volumes) of the
Microsoft Win32 Developer's Reference Library
Volume 1: User Interface
Volume 2: Base Services
Volume 3: Common Controls
Volume 4: GDI
Volume 5: Shell
Each is around 750 pages
Linux System Administration
Vicki Stanfield, Roderick W. Smith
657 pages, (c) 2001
Elements of COBOL Programming
Wilson T. Price, Jack L. Olson
375 pages, (c) 1977
Fortran IV (Second Edition)
Standard Fortran WATFOR-WATFIV
293 pages, (c) 1974
BASIC (2nd Edition)
Samuel L Marateck
475 pages, (c) 1982
York APL
J. Morgan Smyth
100 pages?, (c) 1972
An Interactive Approach (Second Edition)
Leonard Gilman and Allen J. Rose
378 pages, (c) 1976
Burroughs B 1000 Systems Interactive BASIC (IBASIC)
Language Manual
~120 pages?, (c) 1974
Three ring binder holes, staples removed
The Complete Rainbow Guide to OS-9
Dale L. Puckett, Peter Dibble
418 pages, (c) 1985