Adrian Graham wrote:
Yep, we look after a national chain's DEC kit and
DECservers from the
later years of DEC have 00-00-F8 as the mac address, I think it
might've been once the networking side had been sold to Cabletron but
don't quote me on that.
I have some DE500-something-or-other PCI ethernet cards that use
00-00-F8 so they are definitely pre-Cabletron and pre-HP and (IIRC)
pre-COMPAQ. Anyway, the DECservers followed some strange circuitous
route that took them to DNPG (and have now drifted off to
someone else). They did (I think) briefly live inside Cabletron, but
only while they were looking for somewhere to send them :-)
Antonio carlini
arcarlini at