Yes, they will run NetBSD but NetBSD doesn't
support DSSI drives yet. If
you have SCSI drives attached to the KZQSA then you're in luck there. The
M9060A boards are the dummy load boards used to keep enough load on the
BA213's switchers to insure that they "light up". The number of disks
inside can be ascertained by looking for numbered plugs in the front panel.
I'm not really familiar with the BA213's, however, it appears that if he's
got any disks they're apparently SCSI (though for some reason I was thinking
the KZQSA doesn't "Support" SCSI Disks). If they are in fact SCSI would he
have the numbered plugs?
Oh, and if you must run NetBSD on DEC hardware get a DECstation :^) Quit
wasting good hardware on UNIX :^) Having said that don't ask what I run
OpenBSD on.... :^)