I have to say that this is one of the most interesting topics that we have discussed
lately and it ereminds me why I actually joined the list in the first place!
Another thing I would find interesting is/are lists of what people are looking for.. For
instance, I would really like to get a hold of a GRiD laptop - one of the 15xx series
(386/486's). I have a GRiDcase 3 and really like it but it isn't really a daily
useable computer - more of a collectors item. I could squeze Linux or NetBSD on a newer
one and have an indestructable workstation.
Slightly off topic (not quite 10), but I am also looking for an inexpensive Multia for a
project I am working on. Also looking to get a hold of another smaller Vax or two (really
like those), and an HP 9000/3xx as well.
-Linc Fessenden