On Jul 3, 2014, at 9:06 PM, Mike van Bokhoven <mike at fenz.net> wrote:
I'd noticed that one, it looked promising. No mention of support for
the E signals, but it seems likely that they'd available somehow.
your signature, it's interesting that the main target is my Bally
'Doctor Who' pinball machine!
I wouldn't be THAT confident that it supports the E signals; a lot
of synthesized cores do away with things like two-phase clocks
when they're not useful for an FPGA implementation. I haven't
looked closely at the source on OpenCores for the 6809, but I would
imagine that it runs the 6809 instruction set without emulating its
interface very closely.
That said, with a little bit of glue logic, you can likely make use
of such a core as a drop-in. Takes work, though.
- Dave