He already has a shorted diode. I don't think
another diode can do any worse.
Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2012 07:06:28 -0600
From: cctech at
To: cctech at
Subject: Re: Replacement Diode
According to
http://so-much-stuff.com/pdp8/repair/subst.php a D672 crosses
to a 1N3656 diode, which you can (theoretically) get from
amazon.com (or
your local flavor thereof)
I would resist the urge to plug something that looks similiar in to see
what happens. You run the risk of damaging something else.
On Sun, 29 Apr 2012, RobJ wrote:
> The saga of my broken PDP11/24 PSU (H7140) continues. I have now found a
> shorted diode and need to find a suitable replacement. On the printset it is
> described as "D 672 TR=14NS PIV=60V SI".
> What would be a suitable replacement?
> There is a local Maplin that would be open today that has this one:
http://www.maplin.co.uk/switching-diode-46386, would that be suitable?
> Regards
> Rob