interesting thing we had on the access system two things actually... one was
a bbs with 100 message boards, mail system and vote and a multi user chat
that worked through writing and reading a disc file......
the other was a giant space war game that had the universe held in a
matrix in a disc file.... before I got lock feet for the 2883 we would have
to come in a kick it back into place after the local kids spent all nite
playing the game.... I wonder if my old tapes will still load.. guess I am
looking for a tape drive that will hook to a pc with controller ready to go
turnkey... any suggestions?
ed sharpe archivist for smecc
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Gemeny" <MGemeny(a)>
To: <cctalk(a)>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 7:09 PM
Subject: HP2000/Access - (hpemu clarification)
Jay wrote:
>To my knowledge the only way SIMH might do this is if you ran multiple
>copies of SIMH, perhaps in separate windows. And even then, not sure it
>would let you cross connect cables between the systems. But I may be
about this.
Yep, that?s the way the Access Zip launches SIMH to run Access or ?F?. The
occurrences of SIMH are connected with a pair of
Sure, we know it?s inefficient. But just now, it?s the only way to run ?F?
without real hardware, and, they both do run under
simulation, IOP and
I had a guest come over this past weekend with a set of tapes and we were
to read and reload his tapes into a running
simulation. All in all, we
spent 9 hours
at it, and 2 of those were spent breaking into his
What we ended up doing was to ?RESTORE? a $HELLO from some other HIBE
tape in order to get past his ridiculously tight security. We had a blast
our heads together on it, but I want to let him tell
that story.
The bottom line is that Access IS ALIVE under simulation!!!!
It only gets better from here? Take the ZIP for a spin!