On Sun, 22 May 2005 21:57:44 +0200
Gerhard Lenerz <mail at g-lenerz.de> wrote:
I used
external CDROMs on Indigo2s for instalation. Maybe it needs
to be on a special SCSI ID. (Start with 3, that is the standard ID
of the internal CDROM, don't use 0, that is the bus adapter itself.)
I've never come across another rule as "leave the ID of the
controller alone".
Ahh, OK. So the PROM is smart enough to use the first CDROM
The basic 5.3 isn't intended for Impact machines,
neither does it work
with R10000 machines. At least for Impact Indigo 2 there is "IRIX 5.3
for Indigo 2 Impact" (part# 812-0119-009).
Good to know. I have no closer
experience with IRIX prior to 6.5.
I personally have 1 Indigo 2 R10000/195 with High
Impact graphics and
one Dual R10000/195 Octane and I usually use the Indigo because it is
much more friendly to my ears.
He. I have all my machines in an extra room and use
long extension
cables for K/V/M to get the console into the living room. So I don't
care about noise. :-)
It will be interresting to hear how much noise the O2 and the Origin 200
generate that I will get next weekend. I suspect that the O2 is not that
loud, but the Origin 200...
Even 400 MHz
R12k machines are down to less then 100 EUR (100 US$).
Not always true.
You have to be lucky and you can't expect more then SI / ESI GFX.
But R10k / SI Octanes are really down below 100,- EUR.
Sure. The question remains if you run applications
that make use of
Firefox / Mozilla...
Cross building NetBSD.
Viewing bloated PDFs.
Hell, I've been running some GTK1 applications
(Gimp, Sylpheed,
etc.) on a 4D/420 (Dual 40 MHz R3000 with IRIX 5.3) with a performance
that was ok in my book.
I also used a 150 MHz (later 200 MHz) Indigo2 Extreme and
there is still
a R4k4 Indy on my desk... I played a bit with IRIX 3.3 on a PI4D35...
Not to speak about all that non-SGI stuff, including VAXen that are much
slower then a 40 MHz R3k...