Tony Duell wrote:
> And if you use turned pin IC sockets, and place
them carefully & solder
This raised a question for me.
Lots of folks are asking for simple "adapters" for things like:
* older 24 pin EPROM to 28 pin JEDEC EPROM
* daughtercards for 40 pin CPUs and such
I have some vintage items like this, and as I look at them, it looks
like they use something similar to a machine-pin socket, but each end of
the pin is the same (small diameter.
It looks similar to this:…
But, this one has forks on the top, not a small pin.
Here's the right pin, but it's a 1x header, not a socket:…
I know they are still made, but I have no idea what they are called.
Digikey and Mouser are not helping me find them. Anyone know what I am
talking about?