On Jun 17, 2015, at 19:48, Chris Osborn <fozztexx
at fozztexx.com> wrote:
On Jun 17, 2015, at 7:43 PM, Mark J. Blair <nf6x at nf6x.net> wrote:
Are the readers in question these ones in Canada?
When you drive up there to get them, you can stop by my house on your way home and drop
one off. I?m in Sacramento so I?m right on the way. I?ll let you play some air hockey
while you?re here! :-P
I sincerely thank you for the offer, but I won't be driving up there. I don't like
driving long distances (despite commuting about 20,000 miles per year), and I don't
particularly like traveling in general, either. Nope, I'm totally a stay-near-home
type, with my one concession being a drive up to San Luis Obispo once a year for a
military radio collectors meeting and one or more steaks at Jocko's.
Mark J. Blair, NF6X <nf6x at nf6x.net>