Kevin Stewart wrote:
I have a little over 20 machines in my basement --
mostly PCs of the Pentium
class (a no-cost cluster :) ) but a few anceint sun boxen, 2 19" monitors,
television, printers, hubs, stereo, power tools and a few other things. I've
never blown a breaker in this house (knock on wood), but every time someone
uses the treadmill across the basement my UPS sees it as a brownout and
switches to battery power.
Unfortunately, I'm an apartment dweller. I'm at the whim of the
building's power. We've been having regular brownouts today, all day,
at almost regular intervals. I wouldn't really have noticed it, as I
tend not to pay too much attention to lights, but the computer room
light dimmed, and I freaked out. Turning off almost all of my stuff
didn't change it, so I have to call the building management. Most of my
stuff is on UPS, so I'm okay with that. Some isn't, though, and that
bothers me.
Man, I can't wait until I can afford to buy a real house, with real
power, and a real lawn. I've been thinking of putting Astroturf[tm] on
the balcony, to simulate a lawn. :)
BTW, riding the elevator with three other people, and a 6' rack of
PDP-11 is an interesting experience. Especially when you live on the
25th floor. :)
Tim Harrison
Network Engineer