At 11:06 4/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
....They do have workable solid state devices. In
fact, the
later Sukhoi and MiG models had very sophisticated interlocking radars
at the squadron level, a capability US forces do not have....
Sukhoi and MiG both kick(ed) butt merrily, at times. This is one reason
why, a few years ago, there was a serious proposal for Sukhoi and Kawasaki
to collaborate on producing a small (business-class) supersonic transport.
OTOH, I'm sure we all remember the stories about Egyptian pilots in the Six
Day War, flying full-power low-level dashes in MiG-23s and melting the
after turbine in the engines...._truly_ inconvenient....
Kip Crosby engine(a)
Computer History Association of California