On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Sellam Ismail wrote:
So I'm off to look for a 25L6 tube for my IBM
026. John Lawson says
that the tube is a 25L6 because all the other tubes in the rack are
25L6 types and he believes they are hammer drivers. Not to doubt the
venerable Mr. Lawson, since he did used to service these, but I just
want to make sure this is in fact the right tube type that goes into
the socket that is currently empty. See photo here:
I'm fairly certain it does use a 25L6. According to all the information I
found online, IBM often used them in groups of 6 for counter/multiplier or
driver applications. Without seeing prints, there is no way for me to know
if they used them as drivers or counters, but either way, I doubt the
punch will work very well with a missing tube.
Well we have an 026 at ACONIT, I was there today but othe errands got in
the way of checking it out, my next visit is scheduled for Friday and I
will try and remember.
-- hbp