I haven't seen or used A TI59 since the early 80's, but as far as I can remember
those were just plain labels not mag. strips.The module was inserted in a little slot on
the back of the calculator (ie. the Master library module 1) and then based on the
appropriate program that you wanted to run, you pulled out the label from the
'label' pouch, inserted it below the display and it would tell you what the
different keys on the top row did for different programs. Labels without modules are
uselss. Modules without labels can be figured out and appropriate labels made...
Interestingly enough, TI carried over this concept to the TI99/4 series of computers.
Cartridges often came with a label strip that you would place above the keyboard, and
based on the FUNC key + appropriate top row key you would get a specific function. Like
Never owned a 41series. Always wanted one though. Had an HP15c and then later a 28s. Once
i went postfix, I never looked back...8-)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sam O'nella" <barythrin at gmail.com>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at
Sent: Tuesday, January 7, 2014 12:02:06 PM
Subject: Re: TI vs. HP
Since you and others here are familiar with the TI-59, quick question. I
see cartridges and magnetic strips for sale here and there for the 59. I
was hoping to get some just for the interesting/historic sake but I haven't
seen it clearly stated one way or another. Do you NEED the cartridge to
use those strips or are they all independent? (Ex. the Master Library
Module 1 seems to be packaged with a dozen or so programs but then lots of
folks have one or the other/incomplete sets).