I have been trying to set up an HP 360 with a bad video card to use one of the HP web
terminals (J3591A) by attaching it to the RS232 port that is in the Human Interface Board
and I am able to connect, but I get back gibberish and it does not send anything remotely
resembling a startup screen. I have previously setup and used the web terminal with an
IBM B50, Itanium and PA-RISC workstations and servers of several kinds, so I am pretty
sure that it should work in this application. I have been using the 360 service handbook
to determine the dip switch settings (I think REMote enable was the only one that I needed
to set) and the communication configurations (p124 states for some of the cards that can
be used, but not what I am using... 8bits, no parity, single stop bit, 9600Baud and
XON/XOFF enabled) I have not found a specific reference to using the Human interface card
and whether or not it has similar configurations.
Has anyone set up a terminal on the 300 series and does anyone know what my settings
should be?
Is there a special serial cable? I have used a standard one and the HP part that is
supposed to work with various HP servers (although this looks to me like a case of
incorrect settings)
Any help would be appreciated.