Good point. And one can also gauge how deeply (insane)
emersed in
collecting these things they are by the size/complexity of those pocket
tool(s) carried along. ;)
I have a two ended screwdriver, blade and phillips, clipped in my shirt
pocket with 2 pens, and a small notepad (thank you real estate ladies of
the world), and have a Gerber LST pocketknife in a pants pocket. This is my
daily rig I always have.
For serious scrounging I have a plastic tub with a lid just large enough to
hold a legal size pad in the bottom. In that I have "real" screwdrivers,
gloves (leather work gloves and rubber no yuck disposable gloves), nut
drivers in a few critical smaller sizes, a big adjustable wrench, diagonal
cutter, sometimes a cordless drill, a few static bags, some tie wraps, etc.
Plus of course a few "fishing" tools, ie old RS232 cables for fishing in
Tool that I yearn for; Cresent tiny slip joint pliers, the really small one
maybe 5 inches long. Optional longing for Leatherman or Gerber pocket tools.