Do you have an 11/44 without a PSU, or do you have one with a defective PSU?
In the first case I would agree you need to find a PSU. In the second
case I would claim that you do not, in that the defective PSU can be
repaired. I would argue that you should make as few changes to a machine
as you can, which implies repairing, not replacing.
Admittedly the 11/44 PSU is complex (3 mains SMPSUs in the same box, and
then switching regualtors on top of that), but it is certainly possible
to repair (I have done it). But please ask first, there are _lethal_
votlags ins there, and the red/black wires on the 2-wau barrier strips at
the top carry recrtified mains (400V DC at almost unlimited current, from
coke-can sized capacitors).