On 4/18/07, David Betz <dbetz at xlisper.com> wrote:
On Apr 18, 2007, at 11:23 AM, Josef Chessor wrote:
I have two as well. What are the different ROM revisions? How can I
tell which revision I have in each of my machines?
I don't think they're actually quantified anywhere as being different, but:
One of my PX-8s "supports Y2K" (It allows 2007 entered as the year on
initialization), the other does not.
One (the one that supports Y2K) doesn't work with the multiwedge
(64k/modem/ROM capsules), the "newer one" does. Both work with the
120k RAM wedge.
The "look and feel" of the initialization routines between the two
differ greatly. The "newer one" feels more polished, and has better
bounds checking and editing with a slightly more descriptive
interface. The older one is very bare, but functional.
Other than that, the units are nearly identical on the inside, and
both run the same software, either in capsule or downloaded form.
Externally, the older unit says "Epson PX-8" on the LCD bezel. The
newer one says "Epson Geneva".
The older one was a gift from a dear friend, many years ago. The
newer one was a trade between a local individual and myself, and had
the DAK utilities ROM along with a lot more. (My older one only had
WordStar and the first Utility ROM)..
I can dig out my Genevas and post their initialization screens, if you like.
PS: Does anyone know where I can get those lovely little ROM carriers
used as the ROM capsule carriers in the Geneva (and probably the
TRS-80 Model 100?) I still have the software to make Geneva ROM
images, and a ROM burner, but without a carrier, it's slightly