From: Karl-Wilhelm Wacker: Tuesday, July 19, 2016 5:21 PM
This company does custom tapered pins in brass -
There are others out there I'm sure.
I would find out what their minimum is and get a bulk order together.
A place I worked for in the past had do a custon part for
in the 100's - I would talk to them about a part also.
From what I can gather from the websites you referred
me to,
the tapered part of the pin's dimensions are very close to the
narrow end of a standard taper #4/0 in the 3/4" length? Have
I done the math right on that?
From there it would seem to be a matter of getting a
way to
mount the wire, and optionally to shorten the overall length
of the pin and wire attachment to .65" from .75". (Or maybe
just slot the pin's fat end, solder in the wire, and call it good.)
I also thought about using a taper reamer to create molds and
perhaps casting with solder around the fluxed wire. (Casting
brass or bronze seemed to require more heat than I could
generate easily.)
(For some reason that I've forgotten over the years, my eBay
search for suitable pins looks for "42107" and "42279". Never
gotten any results for it, though.)