From: Henk Gooijen
you need some some components to generate the AC LO
and DC LO signals.
The 11/04 needs them.
You could also do what I did on an off-brand LSI-11 chassis I had, whose
power supply was working (producing good +5V/+12V), but whose power control
board (to generate AC/DC OK signals) wasn't working - and I didn't have a
circuit diagram for it.
So I was lazy, and cheated: I disconnected the control board connection to
the backplane, and the pull-up termination resistors brought the AC/DC lines
up to their 'OK' state! :-)
I don't _recommend_ this, but it does work! If you do this, probably best to
power on the machine with the HALT switch asserted, so it doesn't try to run
while the power is still coming on! :-)