Richard wrote:
Note: these are not "playing cards", which
typically refers to a deck
of cards marked for card games (i.e. Jack of Spades, etc.). This is
for a deck of cards with slots that you can assemble into "house of
cards" structures. I played with several decks myself when I was a
little kid and it was great fun!
Cheater -- I used real cards only to have them fall.
Well you can't say you don't learn things here or from other internet
I downloaded some motorola application notes from bitsavers.
Wow they sure had a lot of different types of TTL. I wonder how only
the 74xx
became the only TTL used today?
These things have collectible value
all on their own apparently, and a deck designed for IBM would fetch
an additional premium among internet geeks. (I had it watched on
ebay, but didn't bid!)