Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 01:03:09 -0800
From: Josh Dersch <derschjo at>
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
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On 1/10/2012 3:00 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
Are you
attempting to format single or double sided? WHICH is your
Are you attempting to format 40 track or 80?
It's a TM-100-2A (originally from an IBM PC). Formatting single sided
at the moment, 40 tracks.
I didn't see an answer to my question whether you're correctly specifying
the drive/disk type for RDOS?
d=drive (A)
;;; = 5.25"
x=sides (S or D)
y=density (S or D)
Also, what speed is your Z80?
As mentioned, if you're using the 40 track DD format you have to use a 40
track DD drive; an 80 track DD drive might work, but an HD drive spins at
the wrong speed, among other issues.
As a matter of fact at the time Dave and I both worked on a version of what
became his RT program, but I gave up while he obviously persevered; I don't
think there were any gotchas in his final version but now I'm going to have
to try it out again just to get reacquainted.