On 27 Feb 2012 at 21:07, Tony Duell wrote:
The Persci? Lovely drives!. Were there any other
8" voice coil floppy
drivces made?
Not that I'm aware of.
I only ever came across one 5.25" drive with a
sort-of voice coil
mechanism (not quite the same mechancially, but very much the same
principle) and that was the Epson 1/3rd height ones used i ntheTF20,
QX10, etc. Again really nice drives.
I have never seen a 3.5" or 3" floppy drive
with a voice coil
positioner. Were there any?
The Imation Superdisk (LS-120/240) and Caleb 3.5" drives use voice-
coil type positioning, but maybe that's not what you meant by "floppy
drive". Still, both accept 3.5" DS2D and DSHD media.
I don't know about Sony HFD.